
What Happens During a Last-Minute Adoption in the Hospital?

In an ideal world, every adoptive family would be matched with a prospective birth mother early in the process, giving them time to get to know her and prepare for bringing an adopted child home. However, this is not always the case.

It’s not uncommon for a pregnant woman to give birth at the hospital and then realize that she cannot be the parent she wants to be for her baby. So, instead, she starts the adoption process in the hospital, including finding the right adoptive family, completing all the legal steps and making sure her child has the best possible opportunities in life.

If you are a prospective adoptive family who receives a call from your matching professional that a last-minute adoption in the hospital is available to you, you may wonder, “Can you even adopt a baby in the hospital?” The answer is most certainly yes. While it may seem like a stressful situation to have a last-minute, pop-up adoption, know that you will have professionals with you every step of the way.

What to Do When You Get a Call About Adoption in the Hospital

While you may have thought about the possibility of a pop-up adoption, you may not have ever seriously considered what you would do if you got this phone call. The most important thing is not to panic or stress out at this unplanned match — instead, celebrate that you’ve finally been chosen by a prospective birth mother!

Hopefully, you will have already made preparations for any childcare, pet-care, housesitting and other necessities. Your employer should know about you pursuing adoption, so when you notify them of your inability to be in work for an undetermined amount of time, they should already be prepared for this. (If you’re still waiting for a prospective birth mother match, make sure that you take these steps now to avoid having to complete them in the excitement of a last-minute adoption).

You should make travel arrangements as soon as you hear of your adoption opportunity, whether that means packing the car and driving to the hospital or checking to see when the next available flight is. The social worker who notified you of the adoption in the hospital will give you information on when to arrive at the hospital and what to bring with you.

A Last-Minute Adoption: What Happens at the Hospital?

As you’re making your way to the hospital, your social worker will likely give you all the information she can about the prospective birth mother, her plan for adoption and what to expect at the hospital. In many ways, the adoption process in the hospital in Texas for a pop-up adoption is not much different than any other planned adoption — just a bit expedited.

Once you reach the hospital, you will likely meet the prospective birth mother and her baby, if she is comfortable meeting with you. What this meeting will look like will be largely up to her; when she’s ready to have you meet her and the baby, you may be able to come into her hospital room or wherever she’s most comfortable. Take this meeting graciously and slowly, and don’t try to push her to give you time alone with the baby or more time with her until she’s ready for it. You may be anxious to get to know your potential adopted child, but remember that until the prospective birth mother signs her consent forms, she has not made her adoption decision yet. Respect her and her feelings (your social worker should give you advice on how to navigate some of the more difficult conversations).

When the birth mother and your baby are discharged will depend on their individual circumstances. The birth mother’s release preferences will have been decided with her social worker, but it’s important to be flexible, as her preferences may change after meeting and getting to know you at the hospital.

While completing an adoption at the hospital, especially one with no prior preparation, can be stressful, your flexibility and patience will play a key role in the success of the process. It’s important that you understand what a pop-up adoption may look like before one even happens; your adoption agency may already have a plan in place that will make the adoption process in the hospital in Texas much easier.

To learn more about the legal process of adoption consent in the hospital or to start your adoption process today, you can always talk to an adoption lawyer at the law firm of Brown Pruitt by calling 817-338-4888.


6 Ways to Help Others Understand Adoption

It’s an unfortunate truth many adoptive families know all too well: there is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding modern adoptions.

If you have ever been on the receiving end of negative comments or insensitive questions about your adoption, it can be difficult to know how to respond. While you’re never obligated to talk about your adoption story or act as a spokesperson for the adoption community, one constructive option is to take it as an opportunity to explain and normalize adoption.

In fact, as an adoptive parent, there are many ways you can help create a more positive and supportive view of adoption. Here are six other ideas to help spread adoption awareness:

1. Tell your story.

Your adoption story is something to be proud of. Look for opportunities to promote adoption awareness through face-to-face conversations, online forums and chats, and even formal speaking engagements. If you are especially passionate about sharing your story and advice for other families pursuing adoption, you could even consider starting your own adoption blog.

2. Get social.

Social media can be a great way to keep up with important adoption news, share useful adoption information and keep friends and followers informed of your own adoption experiences. Using hashtags like #adoption and #adoptionislove can help you connect with an online community of other members of the adoption triad.

3. Contact your representatives.

Adoption laws are regulated by the state. Make your support of adoption known by communicating with your local representatives about any issues impacting adoption, including adoption tax credits and resources allocated to child welfare agencies.

4. Contact the media.

TV stations and community newspapers often cover local families’ adoption stories. If you’re comfortable doing so, consider submitting your personal adoption story to your local media outlets. You can also reach out to your adoption professional and offer to share a testimonial. In addition, many parenting websites and adoption information sites will also share families’ stories as a way to promote adoption.

5. Coordinate an event.

Throughout the year, there are plenty of opportunities to recognize and celebrate adoption. Consider hosting a party to celebrate National Adoption Day, your child’s adoption anniversary, or another date that has meaning for you as an adoptive family. Or, contact your child’s school or the local library and offer to host an adoption discussion or read an adoption-themed book for story time.

6. Get involved.

Look for opportunities to get involved in your community. Spreading adoption awareness doesn’t have to involve any special effort — just being a well-liked person who happens to be an adoptive parent or adoptee can help those around you see adoption as a normal way to build a family. Whether it’s volunteering at your child’s school, joining a local parents’ group or something as simple as inviting new friends into your home, every interaction you have is an opportunity to set a positive example of adoption.

The adoption attorneys at Brown Pruitt have seen firsthand how positive adoption can be for Texas families. If you want to learn more about adoption in Texas, contact us today to get the information you need to get started.


Deciding to Adopt

The decision to adopt is something that many parents and couples struggle with for years. No matter what the circumstances, parenting is a life changing decision and so many questions and uncertainties accompany it. Here are some ideas on how to begin the adoption process.

The first place to begin is research. There are plenty of informative articles, blogs and websites online about adoption. You may also want to find a local support group or meeting other adoptive parents to talk to them about their process. The more information you have, the better equipped you will be to make the best decisions for your family.

The next step is to speak with an adoption attorney and adoption agencies to learn more about how they can help you. These experts will explain to you the different ways you can adopt and specific circumstances in your state.

After speaking with an attorney or agency, you might want to spend some time deciding which type of adoption is best for you: domestic, international, foster care, open or closed. These different types each have their own set of processes for you to follow so it’s best if you spend time deciding what’s ideal for your family. Again, consulting an expert will help you with these questions.

Once you’ve spoken with an attorney and have thought about the different types of adoption, you should address some costs and, more importantly, how to defray them. Adoption can be expensive but there are ways to lessen these costs, such as tax credits or low-interest loans.

After this, you should choose an attorney to hire and/or an agency to work with as you are now ready to truly begin the adoption process. The process can be a difficult one but the outcome outweighs the frustration on every level imaginable.

Before you embark on your journey, you must be prepared and that preparation will help you handle anything that comes your way as you achieve your dream of expanding your family.

Have a question about the adoption process? Contact us today for a consultation: 817-338-4888


What is a Home Study?

A home study is an assessment conducted of prospective adoptive parents that includes basic information drawn from interviews with your family and provided by third parties. The goal of the adoption home study is to assess whether the prospective adoptive parents have the ability to make a lifelong commitment to providing a nurturing home to the adopted child.

In Texas, the basic elements of a home study include:

  • Personal interview with each adopting parent
  • Interview with adoptive child
  • Observation of adoptive child, regardless of age
  • Information from relevant collateral sources
  • Evaluation of the home environment

The home study process serves many purposes, including preparing the prospective parents for adoption, evaluating the fitness of the adoptive family and gathering information about the prospective family in order to better match the parents and child.

Although the adoption home study process may seem invasive or lengthy, it is conducted to help you decide whether adoption is right for your family and to help you determine the type of child you could best parent.

You can help speed up the home study process by ensuring all necessary information is supplied completely and accurately, and that you don’t delay filling out paperwork, scheduling medical appointments, or gathering the required documents.

For more information, visit Completing an Adoption Home Study.


Do You Need an Adoption Lawyer?

Adoption is a big decision and a wonderful way to expand your family. However, the laws governing adoption can often times be complex and difficult to understand. A lawyer who specializes in adoption can help make the adoption process as smooth as possible.

An adoption lawyer will be knowledgeable on state- and country-specific adoption laws and provide guidance based on your situation, whether it be a private adoption, international adoption or a step parent or grandparent adoption. A lawyer can help explain your rights and enable you to understand your options to make the best decisions for your forever family.

If you’re unsure about how to go about an adoption, an adoption lawyer is a good place to begin the process. An adoption lawyer can help you find an adoption agency if you need one, can file any necessary paperwork, and can represent you in court if necessary.

The entire adoption process can take years including waiting periods, but it can take less time depending on your case. If there are any legal complications or you don’t pass some of the qualifications, the process could take longer. An adoption attorney can guide you and potentially expedite the process by knowing who to talk to and what paperwork to file.

Tips for Choosing an Adoption Lawyer

  • Contact an adoption lawyer as early as possible in the adoption process.
  • Learn about the specific types of adoptions and services the lawyer provides.
  • Choose a lawyer who is experienced in the type of adoption you are considering.
  • Know what the lawyer charges and how the fees are structured.
  • Ask lots of questions and share your concerns with the lawyer.

Have a question about adoption? Contact us today for a consultation: 817-338-4888


Celebrating the Holidays as a Family


The holidays are one of the happiest times of the year, but, for foster and/or adopted children, it can also be a stressful time as issues may surface that don’t bring much joy. Here are some helpful tips to remember when planning your holiday with your foster and/or adopted children:

  1. Help Your Child Understand the Season: Depending on the situation in which your child came, the holidays may have been very different for your child. Take time to read holiday books or watch a good holiday movie that explains what the holiday season means to your family.
  2. Watch for Signs of Holiday Blues: Holidays can be a difficult time for many foster and adopted families. Sometimes holiday memories are the only thing that your child has left of a birth family. However, it can be a great time to bond and create new memories for your child.
  3. Prepare for Family Gatherings: Holiday family gatherings, big or small, can be a tough situation for introducing foster and/or adopted children to extended family. Try to introduce your child to family beforehand and go over basic manners or rules prior to the holiday get-together.
  4. Avoid Overstimulation: Try to keep holiday celebrations low-key and maintain a regular routine as much as possible. Be an advocate for your child by explaining to family members that your child can get overwhelmed easily so that they give him/her time and space as needed.
  5. Beware of the Perfect Holiday Trap: Remember that the holidays don’t have go perfectly as planned to be perfect for your family. The only holiday that is truly perfect is one where everyone feels loved and accepted.

With a little preparation and the tips above, holidays with your foster and/or adopted children can be a joy for all involved.

Article adapted from About Parenting.


Can You Be a Foster Parent?

There is a special set of rules and requirements in order to become a foster parent. These rules are less restricting than many individuals and couples may expect.  Read the basic requirements below to see if you are qualified to be a foster parent:

Age: In Texas, the minimum age requirement to be a foster parent is 21.

Citizenship: In order to be a foster parent you must be a US Citizen, legal permanent resident, or legally residing in the US.

Relationship Status: Foster parents can be single, married, or divorced. Proof of marriage and/or divorce must be shown.  There is no requirement of having had children before. If you share your residence with a partner or spouse you must both become licensed foster parents.

Residential Status: You must agree to a home study before you can become a foster parent.  You may rent or own your residence so long as you have adequate room for the foster child.

Financial Status: You must be financially stable to become a foster parent.  Copies of recent paychecks will be required from foster parents.   These ensure stability and prevent people from becoming foster parents for the state-provided aid.

Health Status: Foster parents must receive a physical exam before becoming licensed, to ensure they are healthy enough to care for the foster child.

Foster parents must also get a background check and take free training classes to learn about abused and neglected children.

There are no requirements regarding religionrace, or ethnic background.

Learn more about Brown Pruitt’s process here.

Based on’s article: Who Can Be a Foster Parent?



Optimism During the Adoption Process

During the adoption process, it can be difficult finding support and empathy from friends who are unfamiliar with adoption.  After making the decision to adopt, many families experience stress and uncertainty when waiting for a match or the official completion of their adoption. However, if you have made the conscious choice to adopt, then you should not let these fears get in the way of a future full of happiness with your new family.

Common worries from future adoptive parents include concern that the potential birth mom will change her mind, fear of never being paired with a child, and questions of whether the process is worth it.  If you are experiencing similar stress, we have some suggestions to help you stay positive throughout the process.

1. If you genuinely dream of becoming a parent, try to imagine what it will be like to bring your baby home for the first time.  Visualize what your life will be like and all the things you will be able to do for your future child.  Even when times are stressful, remember that the best things are worth waiting for.

2. Be willing to accept that some things are not meant to be.  If a birth mother does decide not to go through with an adoption, then it was simply not the right match. The perfect child is waiting for you in the future and he/she will come along when the time is right.


3. Remember that most prospective adoptive parents are eventually matched with children.  While the time spent waiting for a match can feel like an eternity, the chances of having a successful adoption are in your favor.  Using the help of an adoption attorney, like those at Brown Pruitt, only further helps ensure your success.

Learn more about how Brown Pruitt can help you through the adoption process.

Based on Adoptimist’s article: Staying Positive During the Wait to Adopt


Explaining Adoption to Your Child

The idea of sharing a child’s adoption story with them can be intimidating to some adoptive parents. Being open and honest from day one will help make the conversation easier as you build and develop your relationship with an adopted child. Here are some ideas and tips to make discussing adoption easier:

• Be willing to express emotions and details so that your child will feel comfortable opening up and asking questions.

• If you have a relationship with your child’s birth mom, share pictures and stories of the child’s birth family.

• Be specific about why and how you chose adoption.

• Explain adoption as a step in the child’s life, not something that defines them.

• Show acceptance and love for a child’s birth family.

• Speak honestly and try to answer questions before your child has to ask them.

• Ask your child questions about how they feel about their adoption and give them opportunities to express and define their own life story.

This article was developed based on’s Talking to Your Child About Adoption.


Affording Adoption

Deciding to adopt a child is the beginning of an exciting and challenging journey. It is important to keep cost in mind when considering adoption.  The price of adoption, however, should not discourage you from bringing a new life into your family.

If the price seems daunting, there are many options to help finance your adoption, including grants, loans, and fundraising:

There are a variety of grants available to adoptive families.  These grants often apply to certain types of adoption, religious affiliation, location, or children with specific backgrounds, origins, and special needs.  There are a large number organizations dedicated to adoption grants that receive many applications each year, so be sure to do your research before applying. Be prepared when applying for a grant as most grants also have deadlines, home study requirements, and application fees. 

Adoption loans can be acquired from a bank or an adoption-focused organization.  There is also the option on many plans to borrow money from your 401k.  Bank loans can be acquired through a home equity loan or through a low interest credit card.  Some organizations offer low and no-interest loans specifically for adoption. The Adoption tax credit can help you pay off these loans once you have completed your adoption. There are also subsidies available to parents who adopt children with special needs.

Whether you start a bake sale, send letters to friends, or use an adoption fundraising website – fundraising is a common method to generate money for adoption.  With some careful planning and focused effort it is possible to raise money for your adoption, especially when you explain your cause.  Get creative and be willing to use multiple methods like garage sales, marathons, or selling crafts, foods, and services.

This article was developed based on’s Affording Adoption.