When you are looking for a prospective birth mother to adopt from in Texas, it can seem overwhelming to find the perfect adoption opportunity for your family. While your matching professional will help you through every step of this searching process, there is also an important step that you’ll be responsible for: making your adoption profile book.
An adoption profile book, or an adoptive family profile, is a way for you to make a positive impression on a prospective birth mother before even meeting her in person. Many times, a prospective birth mother decides on a family because of their adoptive family profile — so it’s obviously a key part of your matching process.
Depending on the adoption matching professional you choose, you may or may not have assistance from them to complete your adoption profile design. Whether you have full responsibility for completing your adoption profile book or you choose to work with a professional, you will likely have some questions about how to make an adoption profile book that will get you noticed by the right prospective birth mother.
1. What is included an adoptive family profile?
An adoptive family profile book is a way for a prospective birth mother to learn more about a family before she decides to meet them. Typically, these profiles serve as a “snapshot” into the family’s life, showing a pregnant woman what her child’s life would be like if she chose this family. Some common adoption profile book ideas to include are:
- A summary of your family, including your extended family
- A description of your house, community and neighborhood — and how it might be conducive to raising an adopted child
- Descriptions of your family lifestyle, traditions and activities
- Pictures of your family, your home, your community and the things you do for fun
- A letter to prospective birth parents about why you chose adoption and how you will raise an adopted child
- And more
One of the best ways to know what to include in your profile is by looking at adoption profile book examples. Your adoption professional may be able to show you some on file from families who have already completed their adoption process, or you can find examples online.
2. How do I make my adoption profile design?
Certain adoption professionals may have standards they want you to meet when it comes to your adoption profile design but, generally, these print profiles are completed in a flyer or book format (you may also complete online or video profiles with your adoption professional, as well).
Some adoption agencies may have media professionals on staff that can complete your design for you, while others may suggest outside design professionals like My Adoption Advisor. You can also make your adoption profile design yourself; many families use services like Shutterfly to put together a beautiful adoptive family profile for prospective birth mothers to view.
However you end up making your adoptive family profile, make sure you follow your matching professional’s requirements and pay attention to the advice they give you on how to make an adoption profile book that stands out to a prospective birth mother.
3. What are some tips for making the perfect adoptive family profile?
First, it’s important to recognize that there is no one way to make a “perfect” adoption profile. Because each family is so unique, so is each adoptive family profile. Try not to focus on what you think a prospective birth mother will want to see; focus on representing who your family really is and what makes you unique, and the right prospective birth mother will choose you.
That being said, there are some general tips and guidance that you should pay attention to when you’re working on your adoption profile book.
When it comes to writing descriptions and letters, many hopeful parents wonder how to write an adoption profile that communicates their excitement while still being sensitive to a prospective birth mother’s feelings. There are few things to keep in mind:
- Be descriptive but concise. While it’s important to explain your family and your feelings to a prospective birth mother in your letter, remember that she will likely be viewing a few profiles at a time — so don’t overwhelm her with too much text to read.
- Remember that a prospective birth mother always has the right to change her mind about adoption. Refer to the baby as hers, and thank her for “considering” placing her child with you.
- Be positive and gracious. While you may want to mention if infertility is the reason you’re choosing adoption, don’t focus on it — instead, talk at length about your dreams for an adopted child and how excited you are to add a child to your family through the adoption process and have a lifelong connection with a prospective birth mother.
While knowing what to write in an adoptive family profile is important, so is knowing exactly what kind of pictures to include. While you are the best judge of which pictures best represent your family and what you want a prospective birth mother to know about you, there are some things that all prospective adoptive families should consider:
- Use pictures that are no older than three years. A prospective birth mother wants to know what your family looks like today.
- If you’re married, don’t include photos from your wedding day. Most wedding photos tend to be older, and prospective birth mothers prefer more current pictures of hopeful adoptive parents. Additionally, in some cases, a prospective birth mother may be single or have difficult past relationships, so while this may be a happy memory for you, it could bring up negative emotions for her.
- Use natural, candid photos. A prospective birth mother wants to see what your everyday life is like, so while it’s okay to use a professional, posed photo for your profile picture, avoid using too many photos like this. Make sure you’re dressed in everyday clothes that honestly reflect how you look on any given day.
While creating an adoption profile book can be stressful, keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be “perfect” for a prospective birth mother to pick you. Pregnant women considering adoption all want different things for their babies, so don’t try to make your adoption profile design about what you think a pregnant woman might want. Just focus on accurately and honestly representing your family and your excitement for adoption, and the right prospective birth mother will eventually choose you.
Whether you’re finding a prospective birth mother through a matching professional or through an independent adoption, the law firm of Brown Pruitt can help you through all the legal aspects of your adoption. To learn more, or to be referred to a matching professional that we trust, please contact us at 817-388-4888.